Friday, June 13, 2014

Fun with Taxidermy

I saw someone retweet something with the twitter handle @CrapTaxidermy and knew that they had me when I read Crap Taxidermy. As the name suggests, it is a feed that showcases the worst (read best) of the taxidermy world. 

crap taxidermy
For some of the images I really wonder what people are thinking. Words fail me. You can follow Crap Taxidermy here.

Then there is this guy, who spent 13 days inside a taxidermy bear. 

13 days inside a taxidermy bear
Thanks Hello Charlotte for making me aware of such art.
PS: as a kid we would go on school trips to some camp where we would be forced to eat in a dining hall while stuffed wild animals glared us. It was creepy and to this day I still can't eat food around taxidermied animals.