Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Snap Happy

With hipsters walking around with cameras strung around their necks, to those with smartphones uploading anything and everything to Instagram and those Facebook peeps who upload what they eat at every meal (you know who you are), I thought it would be fitting to do a post on photos.

According to Urban Dictionary, snap happy can be defined as....

Many people use Instagram and more importantly hashtags. If you have an Android or iPhone you can have access to some awesome and not so awesome pictures. Blackberry users...sorry for you!

You can even get your instagram pictures printed with Prinstagram. I can't wait until I have added a lot of guinea pictures and when my collection is complete I shall definitely get some printed.

Strike a pose....

10 Popular Poses that Need to be Retired  : the title speaks for itself.

7 Annoying Poses that Prove You're a Douchebag : these might scream douchebag, but they are funny.

#TrueStory #ImThatIdiot