For the Easter weekend, I took some time off to recharge. Sure it was already a long weekend, but I decided to cash in and add an extra two days. The joys of vaykayshun. I did a lot of things I haven't really had time for, like making delicious food.
Teacup Chocolate Mousse
based on Nigella's recipe, which you can find here
You will need to add 1 packet of marsh mellows, 3 slabs of dark chocolate, 50g of butter and about 60ml of boiled water.
Make sure you use a heavy bottomed saucepan.
Melt it all together over a low heat. You don't want the chocolate to go all hard and burnt. The marshmellows take a bit longer to melt, but eventually they do.
Take 284ml of cream and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Get out the blender and whip that cream. I suppose you could do this the old fashioned way, but it would take forever.
Now fold the chocolate mixture into the cream mixture. Don't over mix it. It takes a while for all of the chocolate and cream to mix, but don't be tempted to over mix.
Now for the easy part - pour the mixture into tea cups. I used a soup ladle so that the mixture wouldn't go all over the place. Put them in the fridge and allow to set.
Then eat! These are quite rich, but are super tasty and for the effort that you put in, you can claim masterchef points because it is delicious.
Oh yes the photos were not taken by me. I art directed them :) They were taken by @mynameinneon on his fancy new samsung note 2.